Introducing our Advisory Board



By Brett W. Copeland

VHPI Executive Director


I’m pleased to introduce the inaugural members of the Veterans Healthcare Policy Institute Advisory Board. Each of the following individuals brings their own unique perspectives, professional experiences, and personal insights to VHPI’s analysis and policy projects. During their tenure, our advisory board members will guide our work, provide a critical eye on our analysis, and help us reach veterans, decisions makers, the media, and the public in transformative ways.


The board are all leaders in their respective fields either in their communities, professions, or on the national stage. And they all are deeply committed to better healthcare for veterans and all Americans.


The Inaugural VHPI Advisory Board:


Dr. H Westley Clark Dean’s Executive Professor of Public Health, Santa Clara University


Larry Cohen Chair, Our Revolution


Charlene Harrington, Ph.D., RN Professor of Sociology and Nursing, University of California San Francisco


Charlynn Johns Executive Director, Sunshine After Rain Advisor, Texas Vets Cares for Health Care


Mark Jwayad Writer and Filmmaker


Phil Longman Lecturer, John Hopkins University Senior Editor, The Washington Monthly Policy Director, Open Markets Institute


Edward Machtinger, M.D. Professor of Medicine and Director of the Women’s HIV Program, University of California San Francisco


Dr. Andrew Pomerantz National Mental Health Director, Integrated Services, Veterans Health Administration Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth


Dr. Josef Ruzek Adjunct Professor, Stanford University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Co-Director of the Center for m2 Health, Palo Alto University Dorothy Salmon President of the Board, The Pathway Home Inc.


Kenneth W. Watterson President, Homeless Veterans Services of Dallas Chair, The Veterans Resource Center and the Veterans Homeless Day Center


Jay Youngdahl Visiting Research Scholar, Murphy Institute CUNY


Their expansive credentials could not fully be captured in this brief list. Please see our full advisory board bio page for more information on each individual.


The advisory board will guide and support the institute’s four main areas of analysis, research, and commentary: the impact of privatization efforts in regard to the quality and access of veterans’ health care; legislative and policy analysis; the performance review of veterans health care programs and the organizations that provide it; and veterans mental health care and veteran suicide.


VHPI will rely on the advisory board’s expertise to help us craft new solutions to systemic problems that impact veterans at the Department of Veterans Affairs and the American healthcare system. Click here to learn more about these incredible individuals.

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